Your Future Is Not Over After A Drunk Driving Charge
Last updated on September 27, 2023
When the police pull you over and administer intoxication tests, many people are convinced that their future is over. A charge of driving under the influence (DUI) will follow you and can have a devastating impact on your financial and personal future. But a ticket is not the same as a conviction, and you still have the power to fight the charges against you – if you take the right steps.
This is where Bexar County criminal defense attorney Armando J. Román can help you. After serving Texans for nearly two decades at his law firm, Roman Law Office, he understands the legal system and how to advocate for you in the criminal justice system. Come to his San Antonio law office so you can talk about the specifics of your drunk driving charge.
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What Texas Law Says About Drunk Driving
For as much as the police want you to believe that a charge inevitably leads to a conviction, even seemingly open-and-shut cases have an opportunity for defense. Breathalyzers and other intoxication tests are often miscalibrated, inaccurate or improperly applied. Any kind of police overreach or misconduct can be used as a defense.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious criminal offense, which can lead to both serious fines and lengthy prison sentences. On top of those consequences, a conviction can prevent you from receiving assistance like food stamps or housing and can jeopardize your educational and employment prospects. Aggravating factors – like the presence of children or serious resulting injuries to others – can mean substantially more serious penalties in addition to the basics. Ask yourself: Can you afford not to fight?
Your Defense Starts With A Free Consultation
Your future matters at Roman Law Office. Contact the law firm to work with an award-winning attorney with experience and tenacity. To set up a free consultation, please call the San Antonio office of Armando at 210-761-5745 or send him an email today. Do not wait.